Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Nutrition Night

The Athlone School Parent Council hosted a "Nutrition Night" on Tuesday, September 27th.

While parents gathered in the library to hear a presentation from a Community Nutrition Educator on the importance of healthy lunches, their children were in the school's gym learning about healthy food choices. and preparing a healthy snack.

With teacher volunteers from the Athlone staff, the students gathered into two groups. One group made couscous salad and the other group made rainbow fruit kebabs. When both groups were done, they all sat and down and shared and ate what they had made.

It was very informative and fun evening for everyone!

Friday, 23 September 2016

Back to School BBQ 2016

On Thursday, September 22nd at Athlone School, the Parent Council ran their annual Back to School BBQ. The weather cooperated and it was a lovely evening to visit with friends and neighbours.

A big thank you goes out to the Parent Council, the staff and all the volunteers who helped make this such a successful event.